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Who was champion of Indiana in 1919? Two teams claimed that status, both from Southern Indiana. New Albany beat Greenfield in the 'state championship' game on Nov. 22.

However, Evansville Central claimed that the winner of this game had agreed to meet them on Dec. 6. When New Albany withdrew, the Bears claimed the state title for themselves.

But wait a second...come to find out that another team put in a claim for the state title, as well.

Claim State Prep Gridiron Championship.

New Albany High School is putting up a loud claim for state high school football honors this season with a string of victories over many Hoosier elevens including a victory yesterday over Greenfield High at Bloomington by a 47 to 7 score. New Albany has defeated Louisville Manual Training High School, St. Joseph College, Kentucky Military Institute, twice and the strong Male High School team of Louisville who defeated Evansville and Richmond in Indiana and all Kentucky teams met.

The men in the picture below are, reading from left to right: Standing—Schmitt, Matheny, Barth, Randall, captain; Burke, McCulloch, Thies, Wolpert, Needham and Coach Turner; middle row—Pierce, Bennett, Elliot, Pleiss, McCulloch, Foster and Kelso; sitting—Haslett, Turner, Gilbaugh, Dupaquier, Collin, Pearce and Wentzell.

Indianapolis Star
Sunday, November 23, 1919


New Albany Cops
Indiana High Grid
Honors, 47 to 7

BLOOMINGTON, Ind., Nov. 22 - New Albany won the stat high school football championship by defeating Greenfield High 47 to 7 here this morning on the Indiana University field. Each eleven had previously been recognized as champions of northern and southern Indiana.

New Albany pulled several exceptionally good plays and although the punting of the Greenfield team was good, they were unable to break up the superb aerial attack of the boys from the South half of the state. Randall and Burke of New Albany were in the game all the time and could not be stopped.

The men in both units were a husky bunch of fellows and pretty evenly matched in weight. The game was witnessed by a large number of Indiana University students who rooted for each team.

Indianapolis Star
Sunday, November 23, 1919

1919 New Albany results

Evansville High
    Plans for Scrap
        With New Albany

EVANSVILLE, Ind., Nov. 29 - The gridiron enthusiasts of Central High School of this city are looking forward with great eagerness to the .prospects for a post-season game with New Albany High School for the state championshlp next Saturday. Central bases its claims to this contest upon its decisive defeat of Wiley of Terre Haute, Princeton and Boonville, in this state; Owensboro, champions of western Kentucky, and Kentucky Military Institute, the latter on Turkey day to the tune of 12 to 6.

The excellent showing of Central High during the past season has been, in the main, due to Coach Dwight Peabody, a former three-letter, man from Ohio State, and end on Eckersall's all-Western eleven in 1916.

The game next Saturday will probably be staged at Bosse Field in this city. The local enthusiasts are experted to turn out en masse to see the best high school game of the year in this state, and the backers of local elevens are confident that "ginger" and "Peabody football" will overcome the weight of the visitors leaving to Central the premier honors of the Hoosier State.

Indianapolis Star
Tuesday, December 2, 1919

New Albany Withdraws


Send Word to Coach Peabody That High School Eleven Has Already Been Disbanded

Because New Albany refuses to come here and play a post season game as agreed, Central high school claims the "prep" championship of Indiana. Before the tilt between Greenfield and New Albany, which was played on Thanksgiving day, the winner expressed a willingness to meet Evansville and settle the dispute for the championship of the state on Dec. 6.

Evansville bases its claim for the championship on the fact that it went through the season without being defeated by an Indiana team. Moreover, the Gold and Brown downed Mt. Carmel, Owensboro, Sturgis and K. M. I.

Evansville Journal-News
Tuesday, December 2, 1919

1919 Evansville Central results

Bicknell Making Howl.

The Bicknell High School football team is out with a just claim, it seems, for the football championship of Indiana. This team has rolled up a total of 140 points this season and its opponents have failed to tally.

Coach Landis of the Bicknell team is indignant at the refusal of a couple of Indiana teams to play his eleven. New Albany, which supposedly played Greenfield last Saturday for the Hoosier title, has refused to play the Bicknell team, while Robinson is claiming the Wabash trophy, yet refuses to meet the Bicknell team on the gridiron.

Bicknell authorities feel that New Albany's claim to the state title is just a bit oft color, for the team has played only one Hoosier aggregation this season. Most of New Albany's operations have been against teams In Kentucky.

However, this high school championship is just an example of other titles. There are always several teams in a state which think they are better than any others which put in claims for title. But taking Bicknell's scores it seems that New Albany and Robinson would be glad to play Coach Landis's team.

Indianapolis Star
Wednesday, November 26, 1919

1919 Bicknell results

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